Usage With Cucumber

VCR can be used with cucumber in two basic ways:

  • Use VCR.use_cassette in a step definition.

  • Use a VCR.cucumber_tags block to tell VCR to use a cassette for a tagged scenario.

    In a cucumber support file (e.g. features/support/vcr.rb), put code like this:

    VCR.cucumber_tags do |t|
    t.tag  '@tag1'
    t.tags '@tag2', '@tag3'
    t.tag  '@tag3', :cassette => :options
    t.tags '@tag4', '@tag5', :cassette => :options
    t.tag  '@vcr', :use_scenario_name => true

    VCR will use a cassette named cucumber_tags/<tag_name> for scenarios with each of these tags (Unless the :use_scenario_name option is provided. See below). The configured default_cassette_options will be used, or you can override specific options by passing a hash as the last argument to #tag or #tags.

    You can also have VCR name your cassettes automatically according to the feature and scenario name by providing :use_scenario_name => true to #tag or #tags. In this case, the cassette will be named <feature_name>/<scenario_name>. For scenario outlines, VCR will record one cassette per row, and the cassettes will be named <feature_name>/<scenario_name>/<row_name>.

Record HTTP interactions in a scenario by tagging it

Given a file named "lib/server.rb" with:

if ENV['WITH_SERVER'] == 'true'
  $server = start_sinatra_app do
    get('/:path') { "Hello #{params[:path]}" }

Given a file named "features/support/vcr.rb" with:

require "lib/server"
require 'vcr'

VCR.configure do |c|
  c.hook_into :webmock
  c.cassette_library_dir     = 'features/cassettes'
  c.default_cassette_options = {
    :match_requests_on => [:method, :host, :path]

VCR.cucumber_tags do |t|
  t.tag  '@localhost_request' # uses default record mode since no options are given
  t.tags '@disallowed_1', '@disallowed_2', :record => :none
  t.tag  '@vcr', :use_scenario_name => true

And a file named "features/step_definitions/steps.rb" with:

require 'net/http'

When /^a request is made to "([^"]*)"$/ do |url|
  uri = URI.parse(url)
  uri.port = $server.port if $server
  @response = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri)

When /^(.*) within a cassette named "([^"]*)"$/ do |step_name, cassette_name|
  VCR.use_cassette(cassette_name) { step(step_name) }

Then /^the response should be "([^"]*)"$/ do |expected_response|
  expect(@response.body).to eq(expected_response)

And a file named "features/vcr_example.feature" with:

Feature: VCR example

  Note: Cucumber treats the pre-amble as part of the feature name. When
  using the :use_scenario_name option, VCR will only use the first line
  of the feature name as the directory for the cassette.

  Scenario: tagged scenario
    When a request is made to "http://localhost:7777/localhost_request_1"
    Then the response should be "Hello localhost_request_1"
    When a request is made to "http://localhost:7777/nested_cassette" within a cassette named "nested_cassette"
    Then the response should be "Hello nested_cassette"
    When a request is made to "http://localhost:7777/localhost_request_2"
    Then the response should be "Hello localhost_request_2"

  Scenario: tagged scenario

  Note: Like the feature pre-amble, Cucumber treats the scenario pre-amble
  as part of the scenario name. When using the :use_scenario_name option,
  VCR will only use the first line of the feature name as the directory
  for the cassette.

    When a request is made to "http://localhost:7777/localhost_request_1"
    Then the response should be "Hello localhost_request_1"

  Scenario Outline: tagged scenario outline
    When a request is made to "http://localhost:7777/localhost_request_1"
    Then the response should be "Hello localhost_request_1"
      | key  | value |
      | foo  | bar   |

  Scenario: tagged scenario
    When a request is made to "http://localhost:7777/allowed" within a cassette named "allowed"
    Then the response should be "Hello allowed"
    When a request is made to "http://localhost:7777/disallowed_1"

  Scenario: tagged scenario
    When a request is made to "http://localhost:7777/disallowed_2"

And the directory "features/cassettes" does not exist

When I run cucumber WITH_SERVER=true features/vcr_example.feature

Then it should fail with "5 scenarios (2 failed, 3 passed)"

And the file "features/cassettes/cucumber_tags/localhost_request.yml" should contain "Hello localhost_request_1"

And the file "features/cassettes/cucumber_tags/localhost_request.yml" should contain "Hello localhost_request_2"

And the file "features/cassettes/nested_cassette.yml" should contain "Hello nested_cassette"

And the file "features/cassettes/allowed.yml" should contain "Hello allowed"

And the file "features/cassettes/VCR_example/tagged_scenario.yml" should contain "Hello localhost_request_1"

And the file "features/cassettes/VCRexample/tagged_scenario_outline/_foo_bar.yml" should contain "Hello localhost_request_1"

When I run cucumber features/vcr_example.feature

Then it should fail with "5 scenarios (2 failed, 3 passed)"

And the output should contain each of the following:

| An HTTP request has been made that VCR does not know how to handle: | | GET http://localhost:7777/disallowed_1 | | An HTTP request has been made that VCR does not know how to handle: | | GET http://localhost:7777/disallowed_2 |

And the file "features/cassettes/cucumber_tags/localhost_request.yml" should contain "Hello localhost_request_1"

And the file "features/cassettes/cucumber_tags/localhost_request.yml" should contain "Hello localhost_request_2"

And the file "features/cassettes/nested_cassette.yml" should contain "Hello nested_cassette"

And the file "features/cassettes/allowed.yml" should contain "Hello allowed"

And the file "features/cassettes/VCR_example/tagged_scenario.yml" should contain "Hello localhost_request_1"

And the file "features/cassettes/VCRexample/tagged_scenario_outline/_foo_bar.yml" should contain "Hello localhost_request_1".

:allow_unused_http_interactions => false does not raise if the scenario already failed

Given a previously recorded cassette file "features/cassettes/cucumber_tags/example.yml" with:

- request: 
    method: get
      encoding: UTF-8
      string: ""
    headers: {}
      code: 200
      message: OK
      - "5"
      encoding: UTF-8
      string: Hello
    http_version: "1.1"
  recorded_at: Tue, 01 Nov 2011 04:58:44 GMT
recorded_with: VCR 2.0.0

And a file named "features/support/vcr.rb" with:

require 'vcr'

VCR.configure do |c|
  c.hook_into :webmock
  c.cassette_library_dir = 'features/cassettes'

VCR.cucumber_tags do |t|
  t.tag '@example', :allow_unused_http_interactions => false

And a file named "features/step_definitions/steps.rb" with:

When /^the scenario fails$/ do
  raise "boom"

And a file named "features/vcr_example.feature" with:


  Scenario: tagged scenario
    When the scenario fails

When I run cucumber features/vcr_example.feature

Then it should fail with "1 scenario (1 failed)"

And the output should contain "boom"

And the output should not contain "There are unused HTTP interactions".

Last updated