Record on Error

The :record_on_error flag mode will prevent a cassette from being recorded when the code that uses the cassette (a test) raises an error (test failure).

Background ()

Given a file named "setup.rb" with:

$server = start_sinatra_app do
  get('/') { 'Hello' }

require 'vcr'

VCR.configure do |c|
  c.hook_into                :webmock
  c.cassette_library_dir     = 'cassettes'

Requests are recorded when no error is raised

Given a file named "record_when_no_error.rb" with:

require 'setup'

VCR.use_cassette('example', :record_on_error => false) do
  response = Net::HTTP.get_response('localhost', '/', $server.port)
  puts "Response: #{response.body}"

When I run ruby record_when_no_error.rb

Then it should pass with "Response: Hello"

And the file "cassettes/example.yml" should contain "Hello".

Requests are not recorded when an error is raised and :record_on_error is set to false

Given a file named "do_not_record_on_error.rb" with:

require 'setup'

VCR.use_cassette('example', :record => :once, :record_on_error => false) do
  Net::HTTP.get_response('localhost', '/', $server.port)
  raise StandardError, 'The example failed'

When I run ruby do_not_record_on_error.rb

Then it should fail with "The example failed"

And the file "cassettes/example.yml" should not exist.

Requests are recorded when an error is raised and :record_on_error is set to true

Given a file named "record_on_error.rb" with:

require 'setup'

VCR.use_cassette('example', :record => :once, :record_on_error => true) do
  Net::HTTP.get_response('localhost', '/', $server.port)
  raise StandardError, 'The example failed'

When I run ruby record_on_error.rb

Then it should fail with "The example failed"

But the file "cassettes/example.yml" should contain "Hello".

Last updated